Truth of life for the welfare of the society.
Every human being is born with three qualities (Guna)
1.Rajo Guna 2.Tamo Guna and 3.Sato Guna.
Nature was created based on these three qualities.These qualities are present in all the creatures in some proportion but each individual has any one quality most prevalent that governs his character and it becomes his nature.Every individual desires according to his nature.
Rajo Guna governed people are greedy to power and wealth,Tamo Guna governed people are lazy who seek physical and carnal pleasure and Sato Guna governed people are the best.They are innocent and honest.
These days quite often it is seen that very small kids,school going girls,young and middle aged women are being gang raped,even the Nuns are not spared.These crimes are committed by the Tamo Guna governed people.
There is a mis conception in the society about it.But the Truth is that "sex is a natural instinct and biological need of a body.There is no need of any opposite sex for its satisfaction.It can be satisfied by it self."
Husband and wife should meet either when they are equally interested or they want to give birth to a child.
This act forcibly done is a rape for both the parties.